Happy New Year all. We are well on our way in the 2nd month of the New Year and how are you sounding? Are you positive or negative already? Well you’ve got a ways to go if you want to end a another year and make yet another resolution. We are in high gear with scheduled Monitoring visits, numerous collaborative efforts, Plans, Plans and more Plans and making even more great partners. 2 things that I want to note as a shout out! Our Director was appointed to a Governor’s Council late 2017 and recently was featured on a new radio show “Making Moves with David Joyner” discussing Our Workforce Board, who we are and how our Board operates. We have numerous employers in the Region filling positions and the unemployment rate has come down; as noted in a recent article in the Rocky Mount Telegram. Keep our Career Centers in mind for both jobseekers and employers for your needs. The administrative office is going strong managing programs and providing oversight of WIOA. We are getting the year started sounding positive! We hope it goes a long way..